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10 Gifs That Prove The End Is Nigh

This ain't no four horsemen nonsense. These are real-life occurrences that could theoretically end life as we know it. Grab a blankie and a loved one, you'll need all the support you can get to make it through this post. When you brave through, you'll be ready to see World War Z - in theaters this Friday.

1. What's this, you ask? Oh, just a random hole that has been burning for forty consecutive years.

2. After 17 years of slumber, the cicadas are back to deliver a message: "World War Z is now."

And it's not gonna be as pretty as Brad Pitt's face, they can tell you that much..

3. This is the Large Hadron Collider. It exists to answer some questions, and to potentially end all lives.


5. What's worse? A stampede of zombies, a la World War Z, or a swarm of locusts?

6. When earth finds itself in the path of a massive burst of solar wind - everyone suffers.

7. Nope.

8. All the tornados this year can mean only one thing. We are reaching the end of days.

9. Here's an image of of the surface of Mars and what some people are convinced is a "Mars Rat."

10. Ok so this one isn't real. But tsunamis are real, and this is really good CGI.

You're still here? Good. You're cleared to watch World War Z, now. Congratulations!

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