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12 Things You Need To Start Being Honest About

It's confession time — we all need to be more open, right? Whether you're at work or play, Windows knows as well as you do, honesty is the best policy.

1. You're too old to play on swings, but you still love it.

2. The fact you had a bad day at work. No need to fake it.

3. The limitations of your DIY skills.

4. You’ve no idea what’s in the charts — and it feels good.

5. Your sense of humour doesn't always translate.

6. You're not up on politics — you just want everyone to get along.

7. You put emotional anthems on the office playlist.

8. Your swimming skills aren't what they should be.

9. You take your work personally.

10. It turns out you DID inherit your dad's sense of humour.

11. Your pet's eccentricities are mostly in your head.

12. Every day, you spend an hour at work like:

If you're in the mood for something new, honestly you'll love the new Windows.