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11 Ways To Trick Out Your Work Desk

What a difference a fun desk makes. Get excited! Windows wants you to add more play to your workday.

1. Don't just make a rubber band ball. Make a rubber band ball man.

2. Start a desk collection. Let it get out of hand.

3. Carve out some time for a little desktop one-on-one.

4. Invest in a soothing zen garden. Do NOT forget to add a corgi.

5. Jazz up your office wall with a humane paper deer bust.

6. Bring the outdoors inside, in a new and unique way.

7. Come to think of it, you can put a plant in pretty much anything.

8. Bring a modern look to your bulletin board. It doubles as a window!

9. Have yourself 3D printed, and BAM: selfie desk companion.

10. Kick it old school and seal all your correspondences with a wax stamp. Fancy.

11. And the number one surefire way to trick out your desk? Add cats.

Congratulations! Your desk is now tricked out. Honestly, you'll love the new Windows.