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12 Ways To Add A Pop Of Color To Your Life This Summer

A little pop here, a little pop there, and BAM… your summer is complete. There's always a way you can get a "pop" of something special this summer, and #PoppedWheatThins always do the trick!

1. Bike looking a little sad after the winter? Let it be your colorful metal canvas!

2. Let your laces give that pop your feet desperately need.

3. Colorful cake pops will always win. Always.

4. Take your weathered deck furniture and give it the summer color love it deserves!

5. Yes, even the bonfire could use some color!

6. Remember sidewalk chalk? Bring that activity back… but take it up a notch.

Homemade spray chalk + stencils = you having the coolest and brightest sidewalk in the neighborhood.

7. Yes, your nails are a perfect opportunity for some color, and the possibilities are actually endless.

8. Create a color mood at night with some LED planters!

9. Or there's also covering your ENTIRE body in bright colors with thousands of other people.

Never thought a summer 5K could actually be more colorful, did ya?

10. Plants are 99.9% green, but that doesn't mean your pots should suffer!

11. Give that bland ol' sand a colorful beach towel to kick your beach time up a notch.

12. Don't forget the ice!

Or grab the most color-popping hot air balloon, munch on your #PoppedWheatThins, and enjoy the ride!