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12 Thoughts Everyone Has While Bored At Work

Do I need more snacks? I need more snacks.

1. "I wonder if I'm the only one here who sweats this much."

2. "Do I need more coffee? What time was that meeting at? Am I supposed to be in a meeting right now?"

3. "If I move my couch there, will my living room look bigger?"

4. "How many more minutes can I sit here before my bladder explodes?"

5. "Can I take some webcam selfies without anyone noticing?"

6. "Is it time for lunch yet?"

7. "Did I leave my curling iron on? Did I leave my window open? Did I lock my door?!"

8. "No, really. It needs to be lunchtime. Now."

9. "I wonder what I should have for dinner tonight."

10. "What's proper passing-each-other-in-the-hallway etiquette? Am I supposed to say hello or just keep walking?"

11. "I should go back to school for underwater basket weaving."

12. "Will anyone notice if I close my eyes for just one minute?"

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