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10 Small Ways To Become A Better Person Right Now

Bad habits die hard, even on social media. But don’t worry: These little changes are totally doable. Just like the Weight Watchers Simple Start Plan. You’re not stuck. Change is possible.

1. Stay away from your ex's Facebook.

2. Enjoy your meals without worrying about #which #hashtags #to #use on Instagram.

3. Stop it with the boring Vines of your cat.

4. Give your mom a break next time she comment-bombs every photo on your Facebook.

5. Put an end to humblebrag tweets, once and for all.

6. Take a break from obsessively curating your wedding Pinterest board.

7. Tap the brakes on all those selfies. Maybe? Just a little? OK, maybe just one a week.

8. Try not to subtweet your co-workers so often.

9. Check the date before you share that cool meme you just discovered.

10. And always remember to think twice before committing crimes of Instagram cliché.