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13 Reasons Nothing Is Better Than Playing In The Mud

Mudding isn't something you grow out of. Revisit the grandeur of getting dirty with friends at a Warrior Dash mud run near you!

1. Playing in mud takes you right back to your childhood.

2. There's an air of mystery about mud: How deep is it?

3. You'll never feel tougher than when your'e crawling through the mud and flexing.

4. It is a perfect venue for "inchworm" dance moves.

5. Put it in slow motion, and mud can be majestic.

6. Dogs look even more adorable covered in mud.

7. Every step is an opportunity to splatter someone.

8. Mud is refreshing!

9. It's optimal for pranks.

10. Everyone looks great covered in mud!

11. It makes that amazing squish sound.

12. It brings even the fanciest animals down to earth.

Flamingos are exhausted being held to impossibly high standards of perfection. They're more than just lawn ornaments.

Flamingos: They're just like us.

13. And there is nothing more satisfying than cleaning off after a day in the mud.

Have some fun in the mud with your friends at a Warrior Dash mud run! Sign up here.