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11 Conversations You Always Have With Your Family During The Holidays

Oh, the holidays: a time to connect with the family — or drink lots of eggnog with the dog away from everyone else. But honestly, you love your family, so stay connected with VTech Phones’ Connect to Cell technology that allows for consistent cell service throughout your home. Clear conversations never felt so easy.

1. Family: "When are you coming home? All of your relatives are waiting!"

2. Parents: "How is your thesis coming along?"

3. Mom: "So, anyone special in your life?"

4. Grandma: "You work in the internet?"

5. You: "Hey Grandma, just letting you know I'm vegan now, so can you also make a tofurkey this year?"

6. Mom: "Honey, I got your Christmas card — did you put on weight?"

7. Wife: "Are you checking work emails right now??"

8. Parents: "Do you think you'll ever move back home, sweetie?"

9. Mom: "So guess which one of your cousins is having a baby!"

10. Mom: "Just to warn you, I'm on this new diet, so we're not having any carbs this Thanksgiving!"

11. Grandpa: "Wait till you get home — your grandma and I decided to really splurge on your gift this year."