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20 Reasons Why There's Nothing Like Florida

There is a lot more than just sunshine in this state. Florida has everything you want for your next vacation. So sip on some OJ and start dreaming of the next time you can VISIT FLORIDA.

1. This is a typical weekend.

2. The pool parties are epic.

3. Every route is the scenic route.

4. Florida is the launching pad for space.

5. The weather is near perfect.

6. Florida has 14,520 football fields worth of beaches.

7. The Everglades are absolutely stunning.

8. The beautiful people here know how to party.

9. Even the morning after is amazing.

10. The birds are as beautiful as the people.

11. If you get too sunburned, you can check out amazing art.

12. Pirates party in Florida.

13. You'll earn bragging rights with your Instagram.

14. The souvenirs are free.

15. Florida has beautiful coral reefs to explore.

16. The wildlife is exciting.

17. The Latin influence is delicious.

18. Even the storms are beautiful.

19. This is part of the skyline.

20. One word: manatees.