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17 Things Cats Do Better Than Humans

Your cat-like reflexes are second rate at best. Much Love - Virgin Mobile

1. Cats stick the landing

2. Cats do it with more spite

3. Dubstep Hipster Cat did it before it was cool

4. Cats fit

5. Cats are genetically superior at falling

6. Cats do it 35,000,000 YouTube views better

7. Cats make you vom from cuteness overload

8. Cat momma love cannot be equaled

9. Cats do it before dawn

10. Cats make you look

11. Cats are strict carpet barfers

12. Cats hit you with a tail to the eye

13. Cats wait till you're home alone

14. Cats have more dander

15. Cats are more graceful

16. Cats would knock the cup over

17. Come on now... this is just sad

Cats are even better at selfies

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