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17 Scene-Stealing Cell Phone Moments

What famous cell phone scenes are really trying to say. Much Love - Virgin Mobile

1. "I may be quirky, but I get the job done."

2. "My 25lb briefcase says I'm important, damnit!"

3. "Sell! Buy! Greed never takes a vacation!"

4. "Look how rich I am. Cordless rich."

5. "I'm so connected. I'm so disconnected."

6. "This call's important enough to the plot to interrupt it."

7. "You know it's a dystopia 'cause my phone is black and futurey."

8. "Even technology can't save you, fool."

9. "I'm a simple man. Look at my tiny talk box."

10. "I'm so spy, my camera phone is actually a small, hidden camera."

11. "So well built, I don't need a case. Or a shirt."

12. "Big shots need phones they don't know how to use."

13. "This is some real, like, The Wire stuff right here."

14. "It's the future. See, the phone proves it!"

15. "We're such good friends, you guys."

16. "A keyboard says I'm successful. Pink says I'm fun."

17. "My tiny ear briefcase says I'm important, damnit!"

#BreakFree - Virgin Mobile