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20 Gifs That Will Literally Break Your Brain

Don't even try to think about these, or you'll explode. Much Love - Virgin Mobile

1. MedozaaaAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

2. Tim Burton: suddenly not that strange

3. Blown, my mind is.

4. I knew it... wait. nope.

5. Downright un-American

6. Take me to bed or lose me forever.

7. The physics! It means nothing!

8. Ribbit. Ribbit.

9. Errrrr. Hum-uh-nah. Hum-uh-nah. Hum-uh-nah. Hum-uh-nah. Hum-uh-nah.

10. On a turtle. On a turtle. On. A. Turtle.

11. Space is cold, Liev.

12. The hills are alive, with the.... THE HILLS ARE ALIVE!!!!!!

13. Do beatniks even take baths?

14. hup hup hoorah!

15. I knew it... Wait. No. Yeah, I knew it.

16. Infinity Hoff is so infinite

17. You so grinny

18. When?

19. March Fifi. March!

20. For dessert... pie.

#BreakFree - Virgin Mobile