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15 Celebrity Movember Fails

Some men just shouldn't mustache... unless it's for charity. Much Love - Virgin Mobile

1. What is that thing prancing across your face?

2. You missed, Ronaldo.

3. Never take a day off from shaving, Ferris.

4. The sexiest thing in the entire world is being really smart, and not having this mustache.

5. "Hey Seth, I glued some of your hair to my face. I love you, Seth."

6. Worst dictator mustache this century

7. Was talking so fast his mustache started falling out

8. Air Nope

9. Did two Irish setters just meet on your upper lip?

10. Guttenberg can do no wrong. Guttenberg's mustache can.

11. That thing's giving me the blues

12. Depp's Forever 16 stache

13. Hodgman's stache crushes this. PC ftw!

14. A! B! C! See this terrible stache!

15. Typical Biebs

#BreakFree - Virgin Mobile