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12 8-Bit Game Cartridges Of Awesome TV Shows

Your favorite 2000s TV shows in classic 1980s game form. Just blow and play. Much Love - Virgin Mobile

1. Winter is coming... to 8 bit gaming

2. Everyone likes this game, so you should too

3. Side-scroll is like a flat circle

4. Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B, A, B, Meth.

5. Which button makes Carrie stop crying?

6. Beat this game in one night

7. Hannah is naked for like the entire third level

8. No idea what's going on, but infinite lives so who cares?

9. Pete Campbell's bitchface is the hardest boss level.

10. You can play as Piper, Alex, Pennsatucky, or Pornstache

11. How are you not running out of ammunition?

12. Little Sebastian bonus level!

#Obviously - Virgin Mobile