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15 Facebook Habits You Need To Break Right Now

Stop annoying everyone, and get gooder at social media and stuff. Much Love - Virgin Mobile

1. Liking every single thing anyone says or does.

2. Tagging pics no one wants to be tagged in.

3. Inviting your entire friend list to your weird ass events.

4. Having personal conversations in your very public feed.

5. Taking lame quizzes and sharing your lame results.

6. Liking your own posts.

7. Making a pic of your child your profile pic.

8. Begging for likes.

9. Breaking up in front of everyone.

10. Reposting a chain post.

11. Allowing updates from your games to post to everyones feed.

12. Holding a public pity party for yourself.

13. PDA

14. Getting all religious.

15. Missing the moment you're in, to share it with everyone who's not actually there.


- Virgin Mobile