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How To Fall In Love On An Airplane

You're stuck in the air for a few hours, might as well look around for a soulmate. These tips will work about 80% of the time - 100% of the time. Virgin America does a pretty good job of setting the mood, so step one is to book a flight with them.

So your flight has just taken off, and you're looking to make something resembling a love connection with a fellow passenger.

First thing's first.

Now you've got to catch your neighbor's eye. Use your face.

Good. Now's the time for conversation. It's best to come prepared with topics that are sure to spark a lively and engaging discourse. It is perfectly acceptable to bring notecards.

No luck? Don't worry. Virgin America has a feature now where you can order drinks for fellow passengers using your touch screen. Wait for things to get loosey-goosey.

Now's the time to give your new friend a compliment. It should be both genuine and as specific as possible.

You will inevitably need to use the lavatory. The aisle is your catwalk, treat it like one.

When you return - and this is important - lean in and say quietly, "Did you miss me?"

At this point, you must make your intentions known.

Did that backfire? Don't panic. Go for the Hail Mary. Get the attention of all the passengers -

- and do like Adam Sandler did in The Wedding Singer. If this doesn't work, hang up your relationship hat. You're done.

Let Virgin America set the mood. The rest is up to you.