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13 Of The Biggest Relationship Deal-Breakers

OUR way or the highway, bae. Communication + Compromise + Commitment = The greatest relationships of all. Find out if therapy worked (or not) on VH1 Couples Therapy with Dr. Jenn, Wednesdays at 9/8c.

1. Cheating!

2. Lacking ambition, motivation, and drive.

3. Not able to have fun!

4. Not getting along with your friends.

5. Acting like a stubborn infant.

6. Not listening.

7. But really though, CHEATING!

8. Lying!

9. Not loving dogs.

10. Having ZERO sense of humor.

11. Never sharing.

12. Having a bedtime ritual that's different than yours.

13. Oh, and cheating.

Catch the all new season of VH1 Couples Therapy with Dr. Jenn Wednesdays at 9/8c.