The 12 Absolute Best Style Tips From "Golden Girl" Blanche Devereaux

    "Isn't it amazing how I can feel so bad and still look so good?"

    1. Make sure you pay attention to your posture.

    2. Maintain a realistic understanding of what works on your figure.

    3. And take excellent care of your body as only you know how.

    4. Marvel at your ability to look totally hot even in the most dire of situations.

    5. And your ability to cool down.

    6. Own your signature style.

    7. And understand how to best flaunt your assets.

    8. Keep up on all your favorite beauty treatments.

    9. Ask for a second opinion if you need one.

    10. Know your best angles.

    11. When people compliment your stunning good looks, always accept gracefully.

    12. Most important of all, just remember this one essential truth.