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14 Moments People Who Are SO DONE With Holiday Shopping Will Understand

And to the 0.001% of people who like holiday shopping, listen up and learn of our struggle.

1. The moment you realize that you haven't just walked into a department store, you've walked into a wolf den.

2. When the website says they have it in the store, but the store is like, "We don't have it."

3. When you have no choice but to ask a VERY busy retail employee a question.

4. And it is legitimately impossible to get anyone's attention.

5. When you simply cannot bear hearing the same Christmas songs over and over.

6. When a friend passive-aggressively says, "I know how you hate shopping. You really don't need to get me anything."

7. When you stop and realize, amid the craziness, that THIS IS NOT WHAT CHRISTMAS IS ABOUT, PEOPLE.

8. When you consider doing the middle of the store:

9. That moment when you strongly consider regifting.

10. When you gather your strength and plunge into the deepest, darkest depths of the dreaded sale section.

11. The moment you realize you've been shopping for yourself for the last two hours.

12. The point when you consider texting your friends and telling them that, while trying to find gifts for them, you've realized you don't know them at all, and that you're so sorry, and that you wouldn't blame them if they never spoke to you again.

13. When they tell you gift wrapping costs extra.

14. And finally when the struggle gets so real that you simply have to leave the store.

Here's an idea: SKIP THE STRESS.

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