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12 Things You'll Only See On Venice Beach

Venice Beach can be fairly described as America's largest outdoor freak show. Where else do potheads, muscle-heads and, well, snake-charming unicyclists cavort on the boardwalk 24/7 for your entertainment? Check out AMC's Freakshow Thursdays 9:30/8:30c.

1. King Solomon the Snake Man

2. Seniors Who Could Rip A Phonebook In Half

3. Giant Men In Tiny Speedos

4. The World's Strongest Women

5. The Kush Doctor

6. Strange leggings

7. A Guy Eating Four Swords At Once

8. A Giant Kangaroo Running Along The Beach

9. Mermaids in Wheelbarrows

10. Hippie vans

11. Stackable Pets!

12. The Venice Beach Freakshow

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Naturally, the world's best outdoor freak show is home to the world's best indoor freak show. If you like live two-headed-animals, fire-eaters and medical-oddities-in-jars, Christmas just came early. AMC's new unscripted show, Freakshow, premieres this Valentine's Day at 9:30 EST.