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10 Holiday Moments That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity

It's time for holiday wishes. UPS delivers wishes each holiday season, and this year, they're also collecting them. For every wish you share, $1 will be donated to one of their partner charities. Submit your own selfless wish here or using #WishesDelivered

1. The family whose wish came true at Christmas.

2. The 19-year old who finally found home.

3. The volunteers who bring joy to our returning troops.

4. The selfless woman who helped a stranger.

5. The guy who surprised his fiancée with her restored childhood teddy bear.

6. The kind humans who helped the lonely.

7. The mother and son who had a very special Thanksgiving.

8. This adorable display of sportsmanship:

9. These offered gifts:

10. And a mother's last wish.