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11 Ways Figure Skaters Are Tougher Than You

Decades of diet, dedication, and practice for a shot at athletic immortality. Here's what those difficult decades look like, brought to you by United — proud to fly Team USA for over 30 years.

1. Most professionals have been training since they could walk.

2. Off-rink workouts focus on core and lower-body strength — and are extremely difficult.

3. Some skating pairs train together five hours a day, five days a week.

4. And fast food? Only if you can cook huge, healthy meals very fast.

5. Learning spins means making yourself dizzy and nauseated a couple times a day.

6. Ailments skaters face can be anything from slight sprains to debilitating back injuries.

7. Figure skates have the thickest blades (4 mm) of the three kinds of skating boots, but they're still extremely sharp.

8. The path to the Olympics is a trajectory of perfection.

9. Skaters are scrutinized for subjective things like partner chemistry and not engaging the audience.

10. Total points for each jump demands the accuracy to launch and land on the correct edge of the correct feet.

11. The Quad (quadruple jump) is so difficult that not even all professional figure skaters can do it.

Watch Gracie Gold effortlessly execute a (nausea-free) spin aboard United.

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