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10 Normal People Smoking Ridiculous Objects

"I'll try anything once — even vuvuzelas." When you swap cigarettes for something random, it makes the habit seem even stupider than it already is.

1. "I'm going to step outside for a quick vuvuzela break."

2. "I just need a snake every so often to calm myself down."

3. "Do you mind if I have a few drags — of your feather across my face?"

4. "I only practice tuba when I drink."

5. "The mask is a great way to meet people when I'm out."

6. "I've been making tiny s'mores in my mouth for over 30 years."

7. "Nothing quite like that first smoked brisket slice of the day."

8. "I picked up Spooky in college, and I haven't put her down since."

9. "Stroking this giant inflatable beach ball helps me think."

10. "Hey guys, cover for me — I need to get a shake in."