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    The 16 Most Fashion-Forward People At The Kentucky Derby


    1. Let me give you just a taste of prehistoric perfection.

    2. Work those tails, boo.

    3. Yes.

    4. Yaaaaaaaas.

    5. Come on, Union Jack!

    6. Where's Waldo? Out here serving, honey.

    7. Hat done, parrot done, everything done.

    8. Work.

    9. Werrrrk.

    10. WERQ.

    11. Them pants a make her dance.

    12. Just framed in a halo of hallelujah, Jesus!

    13. Seabiscuit and his homies are up there giving you all the life, honey.

    14. And looked amaze doing it!

    15. Slay, child.

    16. On a serious note, this guy is the most stylish I've ever seen in my life.