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10 "Totally True" Facts About North America

You'd probably brag too if you sneezed and created Hawaii.

1. North America keeps getting barred from weightlifting competitions for being "hella strong."

2. North America's leg day is all box hops, but with Mt. Everest instead of a box.

3. North America finished a 2,000-piece puzzle in five minutes.

4. North America wrestles two crocodiles with one arm on Monday mornings to start the week right.

5. North America protected its food while camping by putting all the bears in trees.

6. North America's translations of Italian poetry are universally deemed "more elegant, more sonorous than the originals."

7. North America practices diving by jumping out of planes.

8. North America is part dinosaur.

9. North America invented color.

10. North America beat every teen online at video games.

Another fact that might ​sound too good to be true? T-Mobile's Mobile Without Borders won't charge you for talk or text in the U.S., Canada, or Mexico.