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12 Surprising Summer Essentials For Under $60

Make your summer even better with these 12 items you probably never knew you needed. With T-Mobile saving you $60/month over the other guys with their new family plan, you’ll need help figuring out how to spend all of it.

1. If you're going for a swim but don't wanna miss out on the jams:

2. If you're going to the beach but could do with less sand:

3. If you actually don't ever want to leave that beach:

4. If you're going to a social event:

5. Even if that social event is mostly underwater:

6. And if you're looking for an after-lunch "snack":

7. If you're looking to stay cool at night:

8. If you're trying to get out of town:

9. If you're the resident grill master:

10. And if you're still trying to drink:

11. Or if you want to be more subtle about it:

12. If you want to make sure no one takes your spot while you're enjoying summer:

Need some extra cash to buy all these sweet accessories? T-Mobile's family plan can save you $60/month over the other guys, you'll need a list like this for every season of the year.