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Crazy Stuff People Do To Get Jobs

It's a particularly difficult time to get a job right now, and we know this because we're actually trying to get our jobs as the spokesguys for Sonic back. But once we heard some of the crazy stunts people pulled to solidify employment for themselves, we realized we had no choice but follow their lead.

Josh Butler Auctioned Himself On eBay

Andrew Horner Made Employers Apply To Him

Ed Hamilton Transformed His Resume With Google Maps

Liz Hickok Spelled Out Her Resume In Christmas Lights

Many Purchased Doktor Snake's Mojo Hand Employment Spell

Jake Goldenberg Brought Kids Meals

Alec Brownstein Took Out A Google Ad For The Person Who Interviewed Him

Pasha Stocking Spent $7,000 On A Billboard

Jake Becker Threw A Pizza Party

Alec Biedrzycki Wrote A Song

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And finally, Alec Biedrzycki wrote a song called "Hire Me" that explained his qualifications for anyone that was considering hiring him. We're not sure if he was actually hired, but that shot of him on the couch with his dirty bare feet sticking up in the air may have discouraged a few people from seeking Alec out.

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Of course, we'll do whatever it takes to get back in Sonic's good graces, even if it's against the law.

We're above the law.