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9 Extremely Creepy Moments From The Trailer For "The Visit"

You'll never look at your grandparents the same way again. Don't miss The Visit in theaters now!

In The Visit, two kids go to visit their grandparents in the middle of nowhere.

The kids' grandparents are nice... Suspiciously nice.

Then Nana starts acting a little strange.

It seems like no big deal at first, but then she starts doing stuff like this:

Unfortunately, Grandpa's not much help...

...and it's not much better outside the house, either.

Then this happens:

And this happens:

Then Nana decides to abandon the "nice old lady" routine altogether.

And that's just the trailer! For a full dose of grandparent-themed terror, check out The Visit in theaters now.

View this video on YouTube

(Images courtesy of Universal Pictures)