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12 People Who Proved That Nothing Is Impossible

There’s no such word as “can’t”. If you ask these people anyway. You’re never too old, and it’s never too late to start something new – just ask The Open University.

1. The woman with Locked In Syndrome who completed a degree by blinking.

After suffering from a stroke shortly after giving birth in 2003, age 30, Dawn Faizey Webster was left with Locked In Syndrome: a condition that leaves you trapped within your own body, fully paralysed apart from small head movements and your eyes.

With the help of a specialised laptop that read her eye movements, spending three hours a day nudging buttons with her head and typing letters with her eyes, she was able to complete a 2:2 degree in Ancient History AND write her autobiography.

"When I passed my degree, I was so pleased and proud of myself," she said. "No matter what obstacles were in my way, such as getting pneumonia twice and other lesser illnesses, I was determined to reach my goal."

2. The 94-year-old skydiver.

Despite being six years shy of a century, Cliff Dadson, from Cumbria, lept 13,500 feet from a plane as part of a tandem skydive to raise money for Action for Children.

Action for Children Chief Executive Sir Tony Hawkhead said of Cliff, “Amazing people like him – who go above and beyond to make the world a better place – are real heroes.”

3. The 102-year-old marathon runner who was awarded a British Empire Medal.

4. The table tennis champion who beat extraordinary odds.

5. Esref Armagan, "The Artist With No Eyes".

Despite being born blind, and to an impoverished family, Esref Armagan taught himself to both write and paint.

The self-proclaimed 'Artist With No Eyes' draws the outline of his paintings with a braille stylus, then uses oil paint to paint the pictures. Which is all the more amazing when you realise that he has never seen the things that he is depicting. You can see more of his work here

6. The 7/7 survivor who became a champion volleyball star.

7. The scientist who left school at 13.

8. The man who scaled Everest despite being blind.

9. The nun who took on Ecuador's toughest criminals to bring young people education.

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Former nun and schoolteacher Nelsa Curbelo has walked the meanest, roughest streets in Ecuador to meet and talk to young impoverished people.

Once she figured out the best way to help, she founded Ser Paz ("being peace") in 1999 and began her work to encourage many former gang members and criminals to go back to school or attend other classes to help them transform their lives.

10. The blogger who raised almost £5 million for charity.

11. The female doctor who had to dress as a man to practice medicine.

12. The girl who was shot for wanting an education.

Nothing is impossible. Broaden your horizons in 2015 with The Open University!