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15 Ways To Hit Reset When You Hit The Afternoon Slump

Feelin' that afternoon low? Sit up straight, slap your face, and read on.

1. Look at an amusing GIF. Like this one of cute baby goats!

2. Learn a cool fact! Here's one about squids: Every squid has three hearts. WOW!

3. Compose a tweet that will change the world and warm the souls of everyone you've ever loved.

4. Pop into a café and take espresso shots with your co-workers!

5. Go do 15 jumping jacks in a conference room.

6. Go for a brisk walk outside.

7. And while you're there, grab a snack with a friend!

8. Fall into a #decor #decorating #decoration hole.

9. Set a calendar reminder for your entire office to stand up and all do power poses together.

10. Photoshop yourself into gorgeous landscape images, and pretend you're on vacation.

11. Find the best anagram of your name.

12. Make a playlist for your next party or karaoke session.

13. Search for a new desktop background.

14. Find out how quickly you can type.

15. Corral everyone into singing "Happy Birthday" to a co-worker whose birthday isn't today.

For an extra boost to your day, savor snack time and enjoy creamy, savory The Laughing Cow cheese.