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15 Timeless Mom Fashions

Whoever said shoulder pads were out was wrong! From their high-waisted mom jeans to the fanny packs that they seem to fit the world into, moms know what's up when it comes to style that transcends decades. Check out the '80s realness that Beverly serves on The Goldbergs Tuesdays 9|8c on ABC!

1. Mom jeans

2. Vests with subtle prints

3. Shoulder pads

4. Fanny packs

5. Big hair

6. Head-to-toe spandex

7. Overalls

One in every color is almost enough.

8. Turtlenecks under sweaters

9. Anything bedazzled

10. A purse full of granola bars

11. Sensible white athletic sneakers paired with a powerful pant suit

12. Brooches

13. Windbreaker tracksuits

14. Anything and everything knitted

15. Hair curlers

Pick up more timeless fashion tips from Beverly on The Goldbergs.

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Tuesdays 9|8c on ABC!