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13 '80s Problems That Parents Just Don't Understand

They may be illin', but whether you like it or not, they're still your parents. Get the whole gang together for a family-sized trip down memory lane with Beverly, Murray, and the rest of The Goldbergs, which totally premieres Tuesday Sept. 24th on ABC.

1. They never support your dreams of heading the sickest breakdancing crew.

2. They should, like, ask before they borrow your hair spray.

3. They can't accept that disco isn't going to happen again. Stop trying to make disco happen again.

4. You asked for the new Flava Flav album and your dad gets you an REO Speedwagon tape instead.

5. And when you asked for a fresh pair of Adidas and they got you... Zips. Grody.

6. They told you that you own too many pairs of leg warmers.

7. And they make you wear your sister's hand-me-down acid wash jeans instead of buying you new ones.

8. They won't accept that hair metal is here to stay whether they like it or not.

9. They just laugh when you tell them that headbands and shoulder pads are never going out of style.

10. They keep telling you that "Jazzercise" isn't a real word.

11. And that three meals of Big League Chew does not constitute a healthy diet.

12. They're always hogging the TV right when Jem is about to start.

13. And they won't let you get a real dog, so you have to settle for Pound Puppies instead.

They might not get you, but hey, they're still your family.

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Spend some quality time with The Goldbergs. they totally premieres Tuesday Sept. 24th on ABC!