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12 Creepy Things You Didn’t Know About New Orleans

All New Orleans natives believe in ghosts, and you will too after this post. To continue to support your supernatural addiction, check out the series premiere event of The Originals on Thursday, October 3, 9/8c on The CW.

1. Dead bodies cannot be buried underground.

2. Five school children haunt the Andrew Jackson Hotel.

3. There's a vampire in the French Quarter.

4. Funerals have their own soundtrack.

5. Some families never leave a corpse's side to keep them from coming back as a vampire.

6. A sultan was buried alive.

7. Werewolves are said to prowl New Orleans.

8. A voodoo queen lurks in the Saint Louis Cemetery.

9. Graves are often left open.

10. An old woman's ghost sits on hotel beds at Le Pavilion Hotel.

11. Dead doctors and soldiers roam the Hotel Provincial.

12. The LaLaurie estate used to have a human centipede torture attic.