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13 Little Luxuries That Are More Than Meets The Eye

Have it all, and then some. Treat yourself to the finer things in life with The Art of Shaving. You might even become as dashing as Mortdecai (in theaters Jan. 23).

1. Playing competitive polo...

...on Segways.

2. Relaxing in a hot tub…

…that is also a boat.

3. Keeping the classics alive...

...on the latest devices.

4. Eating a nice juicy sirloin...

...with a lobster tail chaser.

5. Lounging on a plush fur throw...

...inside an ice palace.

6. Buying a Tibetan Mastiff... the other one doesn't get lonely.

7. Enjoying the skyline... your glass of Chardonnay.

8. Building a classy ballroom...

...that's also an indoor lap pool.

9. Watching a gorgeous tropical sunset...

...that stretches on into infinity.

10. Buying your dream home...

...atop this cliff.

11. Playing with a remote controlled robot...

...that is also a remote controlled car.

12. Laughing at a web video with your friends...

...inside the cabin of a private jet.

13. And finally: Parking your speedboat...

...inside your bigger, better boat.

Not to mention using a mother of pearl comb...

...on your world-class handlebar mustache.