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13 Ways To Prepare For That All Night Bar Crawl

Bar crawls are heavenly experiences, but it takes a lot to get your mind and body ready to party. Here are the tasks you need to complete before setting out on your crawl and when you find yourself hungry along the journey throughout your city, stop into a T.G.I.Friday's® for some nourishment.

1. Pick A Reason To Crawl

2. Get Hydrated

3. Make Some T-Shirts

4. Make A Map Of All The Spots You Plan To Hit

5. Download Foursquare So Your Ex Can See How Much Fun You're Having Without Them

6. Download An App To Prevent Drunk Texting

7. Clear Your Schedule

8. Rage To Your Favorite Songs

9. Load Up On Cash

10. Install "Find My iPhone"

11. Be Sure And Extend An Invitation To Your Parents

12. Think About What Tattoo You'd Get

13. Grab Something To Eat

Drink responsibly. Always use a designated driver.