These Stunning Wedding Photos Will Actually Make Your Jaw Drop

    They're worth way more than a thousand words.

    Four times a year, the International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers awards wedding photos in over 20 unique categories, from “Wedding Details” to “Humor.”

    This candid picture of a bride and her family touching up their makeup won the "Getting Ready" category.

    This dog high-fiving a bride was an obvious winner.

    This mesmerizing overhead shot took the top prize in "Framing The Subject."

    This bride's sweet wedding dance packed an emotional wallop.

    This unique shot of bridesmaids throwing their shoes in the air was a winning entry in the "Bridal Party Portrait" category.

    This awesome, unusual photo of the bride and groom's wedding rings won for "Wedding Details".

    This dazzling bridal portrait shows the importance of good lighting.

    This touching, emotional moment won the "Family Love" category.

    And this hilarious photo bomb ruled the "Humor" contest.

    All of the winners and categories can be seen here.