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15 Of The Cheesiest Gifts To Give A Cat Lover

These gifts are absolutely purrfect. And if you really want to cheese it up, try Temptations® Cheezy Middles. Who says it's only mice that love cheese?

1. A cat-unicorn horn is what you need.

2. A cat teepee is better than a normal cat bed.

3. An instructional book on crafting with cat hair. For supreme cat ladies ONLY.

4. Nothing says "I love cats" more than knuckle tattoos.

5. A gift for those who love books (almost as much as cats).

6. A fashionable pair of socks for ladies smitten by kittens.

7. Match them with the purrfect pair of shoes.

8. Don't forget the googly-eyed sweater.

9. And clothes for Mr. Whiskers! He needs them too!

10. A cat phone case, so you can call meow maybe.

11. A cat case for all your personal belongings.

This cat is literally nomming all your things.

Source: Tokyoinspired on Etsy.

12. A large set of cat-face pillows for any feline-friendly apartment.

13. Cat meows? Music to our ears.

14. Cat butt magnets because... why not?

15. What the hey... cat butt EVERYTHING!