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13 Ways To Totally Not Freak Out About Your First Year At College

Freaking out is not a major. Calm yourself and #TakeCharge of your future with Temple University. Become an Owl today!

Student loans, footnotes and annotations, dorm life, being away from home, meeting new people... Yes, the combination of these things has the potential to cause a freakout.

So here are some ways to prevent that:

1. Quickly learn your surroundings and class schedule with your phone!

2. Use a voice recorder during lecture!


4. Build in breaks between your classes!

5. Your newly granted independence can lead to good things.

6. Be sure to ALWAYS develop your support system.

7. Laundry hacks will save you from throwing clothes away.

8. Let your syllabi plan your semester out.

9. Your professor has office hours. USE THEM!

10. Be open to joining school organizations.

11. Be sure to sell your books at the end of the semester.

12. Avoid the freshman 15 by implementing a regular workout schedule.

13. RELAX!

Owls aren’t prone to freaking out. Start your journey and become #TempleMade.

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