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10 Senior Year Moments We Remember All Too Well

From your last "first day" of school ’til the time you had that diploma in your hands, senior year certainly gave you some unforgettable memories that you still reminisce about today.

1. Having to reply to everyone who asks, "So, where are you going to college?"

2. Posing for your senior portraits.

"Look above my shoulder like you're staring at your future. Now hold your cap and tassel in this weird position. I know that no one would ever hold it like this, but it looks good in pics."

3. Fighting senioritis.

4. Experiencing your last homecoming pep rally.

5. Spending hours on your college applications.

6. When your college acceptance letter finally arrives.

7. When you set high expectations for prom...

...and were met with some surprising realities.

8. That awkward moment when you don’t recognize the person who asks you to sign their yearbook.

You also have a bunch of notes from strangers you felt obligated to ask since they were standing next to the person you wanted to sign your yearbook. You know, the type who just wrote “KIT” or “Have a great summer” (even though since you don’t know them, you’re not sure where you’d run into them again)?

9. Leaving the school after you take your final exam.

10. Every single moment with your cap 'n' gown.

But seriously, does the tassel go on the left or right side?

What comes next is even better. Make Temple University your next stop and make your future unstoppable!

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