19 Struggles Only Working Musicians Will Understand

    "So, what's my cut again?"

    1. When the number of people who paid to see you...

    2. ... and the money you made just don't add up.

    3. Your schedule gives you a lot of free time during the day, but most of your friends work 9–5...

    4. ... and that same schedule makes you unavailable on the weekends.

    5. When you arrive at the venue and see they have no backline.

    6. People who barely know you want to be on the guest list so they can see you for free.

    7. You risk being unfriended every time you have a new show because you promote too much.

    8. People try to "show support' but complain about the ticket price.

    9. The headliners don't congratulate you on your set because they're jealous.

    10. When the band before you goes WAY past their set time.

    11. When something broke on your instrument, and you're improvising to get through the gig.

    12. When you try to butter up the club owner for some extra drink tickets.

    13. When you motion on stage for louder vocals in the monitors, but your sound guy just doesn't care.

    14. Performing in front of crowds like this:

    15. Between casual gigs and rehearsals, you rarely have time to focus on making music, so you stay up until 3am doing so.

    16. When you do book a gig, chances are you're going to be playing covers.

    17. When people tell you that you're so "brave" for being a musician because they can't imagine how you put up with it.

    18. You always have to explain yourself on why you chose music and not the "conventional path."

    19. But even with all the headache, one good show and it's all worth it.