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10 Registry Swaps For The Couple That Has It All

If you already live together, there's a lot you don't need. Get upgrades for the basics you already have with Target wedding registries.

1. If you already have a waffle iron, you should register for...

2. If you already have a quilt, register for...

3. If you already have a panini press, register for...

4. If you already have a blender, register for...

5. If you already have a tablecloth, register for...

6. If you already have a slow cooker, register for...

7. If you already have a serving tray, register for...

8. If you already have a decanter, register for...

9. If you already have a picnic table, register for...

10. If you already have a fan, register for...

And, of course, if you don't have any of the "basics," you can register for those at Target, too!