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15 Things We'd Like To Go Back In Time And Tell Ourselves As Kids

You had your ups, you had your downs, but all in all, you'd do it all over again. It's important for every child to learn and grow in order to succeed, which is why Target is giving $1 billion to education by the end of 2015!

1. "Never, ever, EVER complain when you're told to take a nap. You'll miss them later."

2. "Reading is the ultimate way to gain knowledge. Cherish it."

3. "You don't have to know what you wanna be when you grow up, so keep dreaming big!"

4. "Keep dancing like no one cares. It'll come in handy one day."

5. "If they're mean to you, it probably means they like you. Don't sweat it, buddy."

6. "Keep trying new things. And once you find something you LOVE? STICK WITH IT!"

7. "Never be afraid of asking questions. A curious mind is an asset."

8. "You and your siblings will be friends by the time you're 14. Just be patient."

9. "You have no idea how hard it is to be a parent. Love them. Thank them. They really are the best."

10. "Cherish every summer break you have!"

11. "Don't take your school pictures too seriously. You'll be able to laugh at these one day. "

12. "Your teachers will influence you WAY more than you think right now. Remember everything you've learned from them!"

13. "Let your imagination run wild! Don't let things stifle your creativity!"

14. "You have so much free time. Be outside as much as you can!"

15. "Don't sweat the small stuff, little guy."