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11 College Majors That Should've Existed

It's time to cover the important stuff. While these majors don't exist, you should still make the most of your college experience and get everything you need to have your best year ever at Target.

1. AwkwardDinnerPartyology

2. AskingForARaisenomics

3. HidingABadHaircutography

4. MyPhoneJustDiedAndIDon'tKnowWhereIAmamatics

5. PiratingFreeWi-Fiology

6. TinderSwipenomics

7. #Selfieosophy

8. EatingSpaghettiWithoutLookingLikeAHotMessamatics

9. GettingMoreTwitterFollowersography

10. HowToDanceToEDMatics

11. And of course: SneezingWithoutFartingology

Get everything you need to have your best year ever at Target.