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    24 Stingy Hacks For The Cheapskates In All Of Us

    Some are morally ambiguous, but whatever, you're poor.

    1. If you don't throw away your Starbucks cup, refills are only 50 cents.

    2. In fact, reloading and reusing your Starbucks gift card can qualify you for free refills.

    3. If you have cool neighbors, share Wi-Fi and split one bill.

    4. Reasonably threatening to leave your cable company can compel them to give you an "exclusive" discounted rate.

    5. If your original discounted cable/internet rates will expire, cancel your account and have your roommate re-sign up.

    6. You can buy retailer gift cards online for cheaper than their loaded value.

    7. Use Google Voice to call people on your computer.

    8. Be a "hair model" for stylists-in-training at trendy salons. Your cheap cut will look über-expensive.

    9. Consult YouTube before you call a handyman.

    10. YouTube is also a DIY hub to recycle pretty much anything in your house. Some ideas are more practical than others.

    11. Join "For Sale" Facebook groups to nab freebies or steals. It has better stuff than Craigslist and it's less creepy.

    12. A tip from this awesome penny-pinching Pinterest user:

    13. Heading home for an extended holiday? Sublet your apartment when you're gone.

    14. Unwrap all the soap bars you've been gifted and leave them in your dresser for fresh scent, 24/7.

    15. Leave Tupperware at work so you can take those free company meals home.

    16. Get free week gym passes. At different facilities. Every week. Until you can't.

    17. Repeat after me: Price-matching is your friend.

    18. Coffee shops and bakeries might give out their baked goodies at the end of the day.

    19. As do pizza places and movie popcorn stations.

    20. Local gallery openings usually serve free wine and a classy environment to get tipsy.

    21. Arrange clothing swaps with your most fashionable friends.

    22. Dare to buy produce in Chinatown.

    23. There are a thousand ways to effectively clean household things with vinegar.

    24. Remember: Saving on everyday things leaves you money to splurge on frivolous stuff.


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