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    19 Gross Dessert Ideas To Make A Sick Halloween

    Guaranteed to make you lose your sweet tooth. Some are not even in the spirit of Halloween, which is terrifying.

    1. This ode to childbirth.

    2. These bloodied bandaid strip hors d'oeuvres.

    3. This tray of edible kitty litter.

    4. These Q-tip marshmallows.

    5. This plate of jello in the mold of a human brain.

    6. This rodent cookie with cream cheese innards.

    7. These chocolate hazelnut ravioli trying to be food porn.

    8. This artfully plated ice cream dessert con worms.

    9. This soupy gelatinous pot of really wrong.

    10. This tray of intestine puff pastries.

    11. This other tray of intestines/cherry pie.

    12. This pumpkin puking pumpkin.

    13. These giant raisin roaches.

    14. This plate of human heart.

    15. Yes, these unborn fetus cookies exist.

    16. These piles of shit cookies.

    17. These literal finger foods.

    18. This culinary inventor's "toxic waste" banana pudding.

    19. And finally, THIS.

    Note from the author: I'm so sorry.