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12 Ways You Know You Live For Summer

It'll be here soon, boo. Make sure to try one of Talenti's incredible gelato flavors while you wait.

1. You get super weird when the temperature drops below 60.

2. You believe that if it's warm out, anything and everything is more fun.

3. And you are MUCH friendlier in the summer, because vitamin D and stuff.

4. You are hands down the most enthusiastic person at the public pool.

5. You believe that this is the most beautiful sight you have ever laid your eyes upon:

6. You are never not down for a frozen margarita.

7. You have zero idea what to do when you can't wear your flip-flops anymore.

8. You spend most of your summers broke because you spent all your money on music festivals.

9. You have approximately one million pairs of sunglasses.

10. You spend an unreasonable amount of time perfecting your road trip playlists.

11. You eat pan-fry hot dogs like a sad sack all winter.

12. But you know in your heart that your life will be OK again, because summer will be here soon.

And there is always gelato to keep you company in your time of need.