20 Reasons We Adore The Salvatore Brothers From The Vampire Diaries

    Damon and Stefan - making us swoon since 1864.

    1. Their bodies are like OMG

    2. Their eyes are so *compelling*

    3. They were even adorable cuties as humans in 1864

    4. It's so sweet when Damon acts like a concerned big brother. And calls Stefan "Stef."

    5. But at the same time perfectly teases his baby bro about keeping a diary:

    6. And also for only drinking animal blood:

    7. And everything else:

    8. But it's not like Stefan isn't a total bad ass. Ripper Stefan seriously does not give a *@$#

    9. Amazing dance skills must run in the Salvatore bloodline because just look at this:

    10. They call each other "brother", which I don't know why is a total panty-dropper:

    11. Their sibling rivalry is hilarious:

    12. No one can pull off a leather jacket quite like a Salvatore:

    13. They wear matching daylight rings so they can walk in the sun. Stefan's has a "S" and Damon's has a "D". ***RING POWER***

    14. They sometimes only communicate through facial expressions. And it's amazing:

    15. They are always calling each other out for being a dick:

    16. And punching each other in the face:

    17. But they seriously do love each other:

    18. And though they are pretty busy trying to rescue Elena, they always have each other's back - Afterall, "Salvatore" does mean "Savior" in Italian:

    19. I mean really - can you blame Elena for not being able to choose?

    20. It doesn't matter if you're TEAM DELENA or TEAM STELENA ...

    You have to be TEAM SALVATORE!