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10 Attempts At Time Travel

These are the people, from cranks to legit scientists, who endeavor to make time travel a reality. The new time travel conspiracy series, 12 Monkeys, premieres January 16 at 9/8c on Syfy.


1. The Chronovisor

2. Barack Obama, Martian Chrononaut

3. Iran's Unregistered Time Machine

4. John Titor and the Second American Civil War

5. The Krononauts of Baltimore


6. The 2005 MIT Time Travelers Convention

7. Registered Patents for Time Machines


8. Ronald Mallett's Attempt to Save His Father

9. Stephen Hawking's Instructions for Building a Time Machine

10. Time-traveling Particles of Light

Whether or not time travel exists, Syfy’s new series 12 Monkeys may just make you a believer. Watch 12 Monkeys Fridays @ 9/8c – premiering January 16.

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