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14 Reasons Why You Should Be Afraid Of The Dark

Are you afraid of the dark? Watch contestants face all that goes bump in the night and much more on Syfy’s new season of Total Blackout returning Tonight 10:30/9:30c.

1. Commuters:

2. Cockroaches, lots and lots of cockroaches:

3. Arts and Crafts gone terribly wrong:

4. Roads that lead to nowhere:

5. Clowns, because they're even more terrifying in the dark:

6. Zombie dogs:

7. The wrong kind of angels:

8. Killer toilets:

9. Trolls because Ernest is stupid:

10. THIS:

11. Overly attached zombies:

12. The tooth fairy:

13. Your neighbor:

14. Those that hide in the shadows:

It can get scary in the dark, so remember to grab a friend and hold on tight.