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13 Things To Look Forward To In The Future

There's no way the world's going to end when there's so much in store for us. Defy the Mayan Apocalypse with Syfy's brand new series Defiance premiering April 2013.

1. Think of all the kittens that have yet to be born!

2. Eating the most beautiful cotton candy ever:

3. Hanging out with friends:

4. Getting some air:

5. Playing with your old gameboy you just found:

6. Getting a trampoline:

7. Taking that bath you always wanted, but were always afraid to try:

8. Snuggling:

9. Defying gravity:

10. Visiting a Hobbit pub in real life:

11. Starting a family:

12. Christmas:

13. Finally growing out your beard:

Defy the Mayan Apocalypse with Syfy's brand new series Defiance premiering April 2013.